Zell am See is small and wonderful ski resort, which is situated in the south-west part of federal part Salzburg (Austria). The nearest air station to it, is Munich Airport, many tourists arrive directly there. Then they have a question: How to get to Zell am See? You can do it by railway station, or by car (yourself or booking transfer). The distance between air station of Munich to Austrian resort is a little more, than 200 km.
Trip by railway connection is the cheapest way, but not very comfortable. It’s because of there is no direct train from Munich to Zell am See and you have to transfer, sometimes not even once. But these transfer don’t take much time.
You can buy unique ticket for all trains, you would rather do it beforehand through the Internet (on the official site of German and Austrian railway stations), in this case the price will be lower. So, the price depends on the tariff, class of the train (the first or the second) and the route, it varies between 39 euro to 60 euro (there are good sales for children).
There are no seats in ticket, but you can book them, if you want, for extra payment, but there is no sense. You should print your ticket beforehand and then show it to ticket collector carriage. You can buy ticket at your place, in the airport of Munich, you can buy them in booking offices or red automats as variant.
At first, you should get from Munich airport to the Main or the East railway station by electric train, them get into the train to Salzburg, maybe, you need to make one or two transfer. To find the exit of the airport to railway platforms you should follow the arrows with letter U on the blue background or S on the green background.
When you transfer, you can orient for electric informational tablet, which is situated on the railway platform. In general, trip to Zell am See will take you about 3-4 hour. Railway station in resort is situated in the centre of the city, you can get to your hotel by taxi or by bus by your arrival.
Hiring a car
There are many offices in the airport of Munich, which are specialized on the hiring a car. Those drivers, who are sure in their strength can ask any company for their kind of service and overpass the distance to Zell am See themselves.
It’s very comfortable and not expensive, especially if you travel with company and it takes no more than 2,5 hour. The price of hiring per day begins from 25 euro, to hire a car you need international passport, driver’s license (international) and pledge in 300-400 euro, which will be returned if everything is ok with the car.
You will need to pay for petrol about 30 euro (you will have to return the car with full forecastle). There are paid highways in Austria, so you will have to buy a vignette, you should ask if the price of it is included to hiring a car. This label should be on the screen.
You should get to the highway A8 when you get from the Munich and drive to Salzburg, then after 100 km you should turn to Traunstein and follow the lines to Inzell, and then by highways 305 and 306 go to Zell am See.
Personal transfer
The other way of car trip could be personal transfer. This is the most comfortable way, but it will be rather expensive. You can book such kind of service in special company, sometimes there is in hotels.
In this case the driver will meet tourists with the tablet with their names in the airport, help them to carry their luggage, so you don’t need to look for something or wait. The price for such kind of transfer from Munich to Zell am See begins from 235 euro for economical variants. If you need you can choose a minibus.
The trip to Zell am See will take you about 2,5 hour, if there is no traffic jams.
You can find needed transfer in widget below:
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